

Other Grounded Health Benefits

The cabbage in kimchi detoxifies the body, getting rid of wastes and toxins, thus helping to stimulate better absorption of nutrients and the fiber content prevents constipation.

Excellent probiotic that boosts immunity and fights inflammation

Protects against cough, cold, and flu

Slows down the aging process

Produces digestive enzymes that help to breakdown and absorb nutrients in food 

Great way to prevent obesity and promote weight loss or weight maintenance

Kimchi, when fermented in optimal conditions, can act as an anti-cancer food. This is due to its bioactive components that regulate the death of cancer cells and reduce inflammation. 

Contains many of the daily dietary recommendations of vitamins, minerals, and fiber 

Promotes heart health by containing a compound that prevents atheroslerotic plaque formation, which leads to coronary heart disease. 

Promotes gut microbiome diversity and health, replacing bad bacteria such as H. pylori with its own beneficial bacteria, like the probiotic Lactobacillus

 Lactobacillus bacteria found in kimchi can improve mental functioning and production of proteins responsible for learning and memory formation processes.

Promotes mental well-being by reducing severity of anxiety and depression via the brain-gut axis