Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds

Other Grounded Health Benefits

A surprising source of protein — contain 9 amino acids that the body cannot naturally produce which serve many roles in the body such as muscle and hormone development  

High in fiber— can help regulate cholesterol levels  

Can help prevent blood sugar spikes 

May contribute to bone health — help keep bone marrow healthy and aid in bone remodeling  

Very high in Omega-3s which helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and decrease inflammation  

Good source of Calcium which is said to increase bone density and help regulate your nervous system 

May improve brain function by maintaining the health of neurotransmitters 

Increases the prevalence of healthy bacteria, such as lactobacillus, in the gut which can help fight off infectious diseases and harmful bacteria 

May help reduce the risk of Type 2- Diabetes 

Contain many antioxidants which may help reduce the risk of cancer