

Other Grounded Health Benefits

High in fiber that promotes better digestion 

Improves exercise performance and also cardiovascular health by increasing the amount of time it takes to be fatigued after working or exercising

Improves blood flow to organs, ensuring that they receive a continuous flow of oxygen 

Helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by lowering blood pressure 

High in folate (Vitamin B9) which aids in minimizing damage to your cells and promotes  healthy cell growth

Contains nitrates which aid with inflammation and provide long-lasting energy 

Regulates the diversity of microbes and bacteria within our bodies which has many positive effects on our body, including reduced risk of constipation and boosting immunity 

Rich in calcium, a mineral necessary for developing and maintaining strong bones and preventing osteoporosis 

High in potassium which helps properly transmit nerve impulses and keeps our memory sharp and thinking clearly 

Boosts brain performance by increasing the amount of oxygen to the brain