More Than Just a Pet: Chia Seeds
Sarah Truong and Riya Sood

Ch-ch-chia! Chia pets!
I was first introduced to chia seeds through the popular Chia Pet commercial. Back then, chia seeds were not yet known for their health benefits but rather for their potential as cute house plants. Despite not being known for their many health benefits, chia seeds gained popularity through their other traits. However, their fame did not die after the wave of the Chia Pets. Still to this day, chia seeds remain popular.
In recent years, we have seen them become more common in our food. When placed in liquid, chia seeds absorb a lot of liquid and take on a gel-like texture, and pair well with many foods, such as bread and cookies. Recently, I have found myself eating them more often as they have become staple add-ins to my smoothies and acai bowls. Though they are a great accompaniment to fruit-based snacks, they also taste great as a stand-alone ingredient such as in chia frescas, chia seed pudding, and jellies. Chia seeds are very versatile and are the perfect, healthy snack.
Highly Nutritious
Despite being small in size, chia seeds contain a high amount of fatty acids, mainly the source of omega 3s. Regularly consuming omega-3s is seen to have many health benefits, such as regulating blood pressure and reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease. They also contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) that reduces inflammation and may protect brain cells from conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimer’s disease.
Chia seeds are able to absorb large amounts of liquid and can continue to expand in your body. They are able to help slow down digestion and help you feel fuller after your meals. As they contain large amounts of soluble fiber, they are able to allow for smooth digestion and help increase the prevalence of healthy bacteria within your gut. Lactobacillus, a type of probiotic bacteria, is one of many bacteria that chia seeds help promote within your microbiome and can help protect you from getting sick.
The health benefits of chia seeds do not just stop in our stomachs.
The bacteria that chia seeds help promote not only benefit our gut and our digestion but also our brain as well. The gut and the brain have a strong connection and influence each other on a daily basis. The gut bacteria, that is produced due to the consumption of chia seeds, helps promote the development of many neurotransmitters, such as serotonin. Serotonin plays a variety of roles in the body such as regulating your mood, breathing, and even stress.
Chia seeds may also contribute to a better functioning brain.
Alongside regulating neurotransmitters in your brain, studies show that chia seeds may also help your brain function better. A study done in 2018 worked to see how the consumption of chia seeds benefits the brain. They tested the patients on their ability to memorize, complete verbal statements, and problem solve. The results showed that those who had a diet high in chia seeds performed better than those who did not.
Chia seed’s rise to fame is not without reason. With their aesthetic capabilities and health benefits, they deserve the title of “superfood”. Perhaps after reading this, you may feel inclined to add chia seeds to your next meal!