Can an Avocado a Day Keep the Doctor Away?
Riya Sood

When it comes to our discussion on brain health, we just cannot forget the almighty avocado.
Packed with tons of vitamins and essential minerals, they contain just the nutrients that our brain needs to thrive. Additionally, avocados are a delicious source of omega-3 fatty acids, essential polyunsaturated fats, which are needed to build new brain cells, called neurons.
Avocados are also a great source of antidepressant nutrients. No wonder, they are one of the top foods recommended by Dr. Drew Ramsey, in his novel, Eat to Beat Depression and Anxiety, to build emotional resilience and feel less vulnerable to stress. This is because avocados contain fiber and magnesium, which have been shown to relieve anxiety and depression.
These are not the only benefits. Avocados are packed with fiber which helps promote healthy digestive function. A study shows that an avocado a day keeps the microbes in our gut happy and healthy. Though the exact mechanism of how avocados influence the gut is still under research, a greater abundance of gut microbes that break down fiber and produce metabolites that support gut health has been noted in people who eat avocado every day. They also had a greater microbial diversity compared to people who did not consume avocado.
This is groundbreaking news for not only our gut health, but also brain health. An interesting study conducted by Tufts university shows a promising link between eating avocados and improved cognitive function. The study tracked 40 healthy adults ages 50 and over who ate one fresh avocado a day for six months and showed a significant improvement in working memory and problem solving. Furthermore, the participants also showed a 25% increase in lutein levels, a carotenoid that reduces age-related cognitive decline. This finding highlights the magical role that the food we eat plays in regulating our memory and fueling brainpower.
These superfruits also boost our brainpower. Avocados are a rich source of oleic acids that are needed to make myelin, the protective covering that surrounds our brain cells.
Every time that you eat a serving of avocado, you are secretly supercharging brain function.
There are many ways to enjoy this delicious fruit as they can be incorporated into any meal. Slice them for your toast or add them to enliven your salad bowl or a delightful guacamole – the classic party dip.
And now it’s time for a mind-boggling fact. By adding a serving of avocado to your meal, you will absorb 5 times the amount of nutrients. It can’t get better than this.
Health requires healthy food and avocados are just the almighty superfood that we need.