Broccoli: The Beauty in This Flowering Green Vegetable
Riya Sood and Sarah Truong

The possibilities are endless with this well-loved vegetable. Considered to be America’s favorite vegetable, broccoli is definitely a staple that you should be adding to your next meal. With its versatility and ability to complement almost any dish, these cruciferous trees should not be overlooked. You would be surprised about the multitude of health benefits that broccoli offers.
You have probably seen broccoli in various forms in your local supermarket: fresh, frozen, steamed, or even paired with cheese. There is so many ways that broccoli can be prepared, so you’ll never get bored eating it!
Packed full of different minerals and vitamins such as potassium, iron, zinc, manganese, this well-known vegetable does not seem to disappoint. A 2009 study found that broccoli can help prevent cell damage, protect the body against harmful bacteria within the stomach and even can aid reducing inflammation of the stomach lining within both humans and mice.
Incorporating broccoli into our everyday diets can increase the prevalence of Bacteroides, a species of bacteria that helps our bodies digest food better, and produce necessary nutrients that help other parts of our bodies such as our immune system. In our gut, this bacteria helps our bodies keep our whole digestive system and immune system at bay.
Not only does it help our immune system fight against sickness, broccoli also aids our brain in a similar way. Broccoli contains sulforaphane which is said to aid our brain in fighting off toxins, injuries and prevent inflammation of our central nervous system (which is directly connected to our brain). By aiding our brain in preventing these things, our brains are able to optimally function. In a study done in 2015, found that babies whose mothers regularly consumed broccoli had a decreased risk of developing developmental disabilities such as cerebral palsy.
With its wide range of health of benefits, great taste, and versatility, this cruciferous beautiful flowering bouquet of a vegetable proves itself to be a superfood.
It is no wonder that broccoli is considered to be President Barack Obama’s favorite food!