A Food to Better your Brain Health: Tomatoes
Riya Sood

This exotic red, juicy, vegetable (or fruit if you prefer!) is hard to leave off our grocery lists for a reason. Often an overlooked nutritional powerhouse, tomatoes are one of nature’s most beneficial fruits for our health.
In their natural form, tomatoes are packed with health-promoting antioxidants and phytochemicals, including several beneficial forms of vitamin A such as lutein, zeaxanthin, and lycopene. They also make a great source of potassium and vitamin C and are a hydrating food due to their high moisture content.
Phenomenal Benefits of Tomatoes on Brain Health
Tomatoes are a smart choice to include for a smart brain. According to a Harvard Health study, it’s been found that tomatoes may help lower risk of ischemic stroke, the blockage of a brain artery, that deprives brain cells of oxygen and causes them to die.
In addition to essential vitamins, tomatoes are rich in the antioxidant Lycopene. Lycopene, which gives tomatoes their bright red color, has been found to shield the brain against cell damage by protecting cells from free radicals. The cell damage caused by free radicals can cause age-related dementia, particularly Alzheimer’s disease. Studies find that individuals with cognitive impairment have lower levels of antioxidants, such as lycopene, in their blood.
Furthermore, lycopene bioavailability in the body can decrease with age. Therefore, adding tomatoes in our diet is a great way to replenish this essential nutrient.
A Healthy Tomato Tip
To enhance the absorption of a tomato’s nutrients, it is recommended to pair their consumption with a healthy fat. Tomatoes and olive oil is a forever classic, delicious, food combination that is a great way to help the beneficial carotenoids in tomatoes make their way into our system. Carotenoids are molecules that safeguard fat in the body, which is very valuable for brain function, since 60% of our brain is composed of fat.
Head over to the grocery store because tomatoes are a delicious and healthy addition to our diet. They are full of powerful antioxidants that give a number of health benefits and protect our body against chronic disease and limit cognitive decline with age. They are also one of the most economically feasible ways to boost brain power, yet another reason to enjoy these delicious veggies more.